šŸ¤„ Many Palestinians consider it an Allah-given right (commandment even) to murder Jews.

Answer 1

First, Allah is the Arabic word for ā€˜Godā€™. He is the same God revered by three Abrahamic religions and followers alike. Second, ā€˜Palestinianā€™ is not a religion. Palestinians are a people of shared ethnic and national background that includes people of all faiths, including Jews. Third, it is against the Muslim religion to harm ā€˜People of the Bookā€™, which includes all Muslims, Christians and Jews.

Answer 2

This is Islamophobia at its finest. Nothing about Islam, or Palestinian resistance, calls for ā€œmurderingā€ Jews. Even the Hamas charter explicitly differentiates between Zionism and Judaism, where Zionism is considered a racist, ethno-supremacist, settler-colonial ideology that has hijacked Judaism for its nefarious purposes. The Hamas charter is clear in its call for resistance against Zionist, not Jewish, colonization of Palestine.

Answer 3

Every Zionist accusation is merely a confession. It was Netanyahu and his government in November 2023 that invoked religious scripture to justify the genocide of Palestinians.

Answer 4

Islamophobes propagate the falsehood that Islam fosters anti-Semitism. In Islam, Jews are recognized as “People of the Book,” and Moses is revered as a prophet. Palestinian resistance targets not the Jewish people, but rather the Zionists who exploit Judaism to establish and maintain a racist settler colony.